About Nene

My Elegant 3rd party Bio


Nene Ekufu is a Self-Love and Confidence Coach, an international speaker who works with reserved women who don't want everyone to know about their business. At the same time, they want to show up; however, they have no confidence in themselves, and your inner critical voice is overwhelming.

Whether working one-on-one, with groups or delivering workshops, Nene guides her ladies to clarify what they want: reconnecting with the core of their inner being and beyond. To become more confident to show up and be authentic. Tame the voice in their head and empower them to believe in your capability and step into their own fulfilling life on their terms.

She is a certified Elite Neuroencoding Specialist, a Law of Attraction Coach and a registered British Sign Language Interpreter. She talks with her hands even when she is not signing and has rubbed shoulders with the late Her Majestic Queen when Nene interpreted for her when she opened the new hospital in London.

She is the creator of the "21 Days Self-Love Habit Builder Course". The course helps you develop self-love habits and the right mindset using proven practical tools and techniques for people who need help getting started.


Find her at...

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Hey  Nene the Real Deal


Let's talk real here; so weird writing in the third person formal way.

As much as I like to inspire and get people to smile, I also get busy and tiresome with my four loving boisterous boys and managing a home with my husband.

I am an introverted extrovert; they call it an ambivert. I love dancing when I hear music; it is like an anchor. I start moving even when it is not appropriate to express myself. I can be dancing in my head with a straight face.

I am known for being confident, a big thinker, a hype queen, and a go-getter. Also, I have been on a journey of personal growth to where I truly love myself, and I used to be shy, insecure, and self-conscious because of my birthmark and dyslexia.

So I am passionate about others not feeling the same way—the love for themselves increases and the compassion that they are okay and nothing is wrong with them.

I am here to ensure they know their voice matters, and it's their time to own it.


Why Me?


I am passionate about helping people find their way and being authentic. I certified Law of attraction coach, a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and an Elite Neuroending Specialist.

I help take people from where they are and move them to better to great to magnificent. Continuous personal development is a strong motivator for me to constantly upgrade and improve myself and my knowledge so that I can be helpful to my clients.

I would love for you to book a no-cost obligation 30 minutes Reignite your Self-Love and Confident strategies call with me to get to know each other and see if I am the right coach for you.